Cane Handling
There is one fairbanks platform scale for tractor wagons and truck trailers. A fairbanks cane scale of 100-ton capacity was installed new in 1992.
Sugarcane delivered to LaSuCa is in chain-net, either wagons or trucks. There are two stationary
dump stations. The two stations on the yard utilize two payloaders with Cameco cane grabs. The other
three stations dump directly onto three feeder tables. Two of the tables are 45 degree and one is 35
degrees. There are two payloaders with buckets to handle the truck dump bin cleanup, ect.
The cane is washed before being dumped onto the main cane carrier. The tables operate
automatically based on load cells on the main carrier.
A new 70' drive through rear truck dumping system with a 50-ton capacity and a tilt angle of
63 degrees was installed for the 2002 crop. The cane can be fed after dumping to the main cane carrier by
apron conveyor, or bypassed to bin for cane yard storage.
The cane is prepared using 3 sets of knives. Modifications were made to this station in 1995.
- First Knife - 1000 hp., 600 rpm, 32 blades cutting 20" from the carrier slats.
- Second Knife - 1400 hp., 600 rpm, 54 blades cutting 1" from the carrier slats.
- Third Knife - 1400 hp., 600 rpm, 96 blades cutting 3/4" from the carrier slats.
The carriers angle of repose was changed to accommodate the modifications made to the knives and the installation of a belt magnet, which feeds the first mill.